Men’s League Results – June 20th, 2024
Good afternoon, Gentlemen –
It looks like many of you dodged the significant rainfall last Thursday evening. Fortunately, enough of you finished your rounds, thus allowing us to publish weekly winners!
This week was another new format — 2-Man Best Ball (Random Draw). As a reminder, the format was as follows:
1) Play from your “usual” tee.
2) Record your own individual score
3) Two-Man Teams are drawn at random (based on the players who played).
4) Net scores for each hole are used to determine each team’s “best” score.
5) The team with the lowest total is the winner.
Attached are the results for the June 20th contest. As always, this information will be posted in the pro shop, as well as on the Men’s League Portal. Winners – claim your prizes in the pro shop!
This week, we return to our “normal” low-net format. Looking forward to the decreased humidity …