(This info was previously send to league members via email)
Good afternoon! The 2023 season starts in just two days. Please find some important information below.
- I believe there may be a couple folks who haven’t finished their registrations – please do this at the pro shop as soon as possible!
- If you don’t see your name on the handicap list, or notice anyone is missing – this may be why.
- As a reminder – league commences this Thursday, the 25th. Make sure to book your tee time if you’ve not already.
- Also – you DO NOT have to inform us if you don’t intend to play on a given week (as long as you cancelled any existing tee times)
- Attached is the 2023 info and rules sheet. Please review and let me know if you have any questions.
- Our handicap system is described in the rules sheet, but important to keep in mind:
- If you played in the league last year, we will use your season-end handicap as this year’s starting point.
- If you’re new and provided a handicap, we’ll use that – thank you!
- If you’re new, and you didn’t provide a handicap, please let me know your ‘avg’ 9-hole score. Otherwise, your handicap will start at ‘0’ and adapt over the first couple weeks.
- In addition to emailing weekly results, we’ll be leveraging the new ‘Men’s League Portal’ on the Wildwinds website, www.golfwildwinds.ca.
- Navigate to the home page, then under the ‘Golf’ menu, hover over ‘Leagues’ and click ‘Men’s League Portal’
- Enter password to access scores and other important information.
- This year’s password is: WWML2023 (all capital letters)
- Starting teams will be announced after the first night of competition, once we make sure all participants are registered and handicap holes are filled in.
If there are any questions, contact Andrew at leagues@golfwildwinds.ca.